15 Ideas Date Night Outfits For Guys

3 min read

15 Ideas Date Night Outfits For Guys – It’s Friday night and you’re looking for something to do. You want to go out and have fun, but you also want to look good. That’s where we come in!

We’ve put together a few tips on how to style your best look for any date night out there. So go ahead, read through our guide and pick out something that feels right for your next big occasion.

15 Ideas Date Night Outfits For Guys

Dress up your favorite blue jeans.

In the classic ’90s film Clueless, Cher Horowitz’s boyfriend Josh wore a denim jacket and button-down shirt with his favorite pair of crisp new blue jeans.

For those who don’t have access to designer denim or a trust fund, that combination is still a great way to dress up your favorite pair for date night.

If you’re going casual, consider wearing them with an untucked button down or t-shirt and some sneakers. If you’re dressing up—maybe even as far as jeans on jeans—go for a sports jacket and loafers instead.

A great jacket can pull everything together.

A great jacket can pull everything together. It’s a great way to dress up your outfit for the day, and it can also be a great way to add some color or texture to an outfit.

You don’t need anything too expensive or fancy, but you do want to try and keep it simple. A good rule of thumb is that if you are wearing a suit jacket on top of jeans or sweatpants, then keep the rest of your clothing casual as well (or vice versa).

Make sure your look ties in with where you’re going.

  • Choose a color palette that matches your date’s outfit. If you’re going out to eat, consider wearing something in a similar shade of light blue or yellow.
  • Don’t be afraid to get a little creative with how you match up your clothes and accessories! If your date is wearing an all-black ensemble, try adding some red accents like small earrings or a tie.
  • The important thing here is that you should feel confident and comfortable in what you’re wearing—it doesn’t matter if it’s “matching” exactly as much as it does if it feels good on you!

Choose a color palette that matches your date’s outfit – so you can take a few good couple pics.

If you want to make sure that your date looks great in his or her photos, pick a color palette that matches their outfit and the location.

If you’re taking a photo at the beach, for example, choose an aqua-green shirt with khaki shorts so that he or she will pop from the background of palm trees and blue waters.

If you’re taking photos in front of an old castle on your trip to Europe, try wearing black jeans and a gray button-down shirt with subtle stripes.

A simple rule of thumb is to choose an outfit with colors complementary to those found in your date’s outfit: if he’s wearing white pants, don’t wear a black shirt; if she has on red lipstick, don’t wear green eyeshadow.

The goal here is not necessarily to match exactly (though if possible—like in this case where both have green eyeshadow—that will look great!) but rather just enough so that they stand out against each other while still complementing one another as they walk together through life’s adventures together!

Don’t be afraid to get a little creative.

Here are my three tips for a successful date night:

  • Don’t be afraid to get a little creative. You don’t have to dress exactly like your spouse, but you should definitely try something new. It will keep things interesting and show that you’re willing to try new things.
  • Don’t be afraid to make a statement. Again, don’t worry about matching everything perfectly—but if there’s something about the outfit that stands out in some way from your regular look, you’ll attract attention and maybe even compliments!
  • Don’t be afraid to be bold! If you’re wearing something totally different than what’s normal for you and people recognize it as different from other guys’ outfits (and not just because it doesn’t match), then they’ll know that was intentional on your part and appreciate the effort it took for such an unusual style choice!

Try these tips for an outfit that will impress your date!

Try these tips for an outfit that will impress your date!

  • Dress for the occasion. Be sure to pick out an outfit that’s appropriate for where you’re going, and don’t be afraid to try something new.
  • Don’t be afraid to get creative. If you’re unsure about what color shirt or tie to wear with a certain pair of pants, ask your stylist! They’ll have some great ideas!
  • Don’t be afraid to wear a color that you usually wouldn’t (e.g., green). It adds variety and keeps things interesting on first dates!


The main takeaway here is that it’s important to remember that your date wants to have a good time, too.

So if you’re going somewhere fancy, don’t forget to dress up a little — but if she’s wearing jeans and sneakers, don’t get all dressed up.

You want her to feel comfortable and confident with herself on the date—not like she has to be something else just because it’s an event!